How to use Solibri Inside with your design tool
Solibri Inside is integrated within your favourite design tools.
Solibri Inside is integrated within your favourite design tools.
Stay in your creative flow and start checking your designs today. We’ll get you started with useful tips and trick to help you make the best of your first Solibri Inside experiences.
Solibri Inside is already integrated within Archicad and can be found in the toolbar under the name Design Checker.
You can also access it by going to "Design" menu -> "Model check" -> "Design Checker"
Solibri Inside is already integrated within Allplan and can be found in the toolbar of Allplan’s Bimplus.
If you don’t find the Solibri Inside icon in your toolbar, update to the latest version of Bimplus.
Solibri Inside is ready to be installed within Vectorworks.
1. Go to the Vectorworks menu "Help" and select "Install Partner Products"
2. Find the Solibri Inside entry in the Architectural category, and open it.
3. Click the INSTALL button, and restart Vectorworks when prompted.
4. After Vectorworks starts, you’ll see the Solibri Inside palette visible. If it is not, it can be found in “Window” –> “Palettes” –> “Web Palettes” menu.