Key plan features | Solibri Office Model checking | Solibri Site Quantity takeoffs | Solibri Anywhere Model viewing |
Viewing models (IFC & SMC) | | | |
Viewing, commenting and editing issues | | | |
Exchanging issues with BCF Live Connector | | | |
Using markups & dimensions | | | |
Using classifications | | | |
Viewing Solibri Score | | | |
Combining multiple IFCs | | | |
Creating BCF Live issues | | | |
Creating classifications | | | |
Taking off quantities & more | | | |
Customizing Solibri via Solibri Developer Platform | | | |
Using CDE Integrations | | | |
Checking models using an extensive library of customizable rules ∙ Geometric analysis & clash detection ∙ Information checking (incl. IDS, COBie) ∙ Code compliance ∙ Accessibility ∙ Space checks ∙ Fire safety and more | | | |
Exporting checking results | | | |
Automating workflows with Autorun | | | |
Updating Solibri Score | | | |
Using Solibri extensions or creating your own | | | |