Solibri 9.10.3 Release Notes
Issue Priority Field
- Import and Export: BCF v2.0, BCF v2.1 and BCF API
- Export issue priority to Coordination Report (Excel)
- Search issues by priority
- Change priority in Issue Details view and in the panel under 3D view
- New issue priority column in table of the Issues view
Faster Classifications
- Performance of classifications that refer to other classifications are improved.
- Performance of normal classifications are improved.
- IFC imports are also faster because classifications are re-evaluated after the IFC import.
Latitude and Longitude
- Show latitude and longitude values with greater precision e.g. 49°17'12.8676''
Updates to Japanese Classifications
- スペース用途
- 建築要素 - 一般
- 非常口
Updates to Finnish Rulesets
- Kalusteiden ja muiden objektien tarkastus
- Projektikohtaiset tilavaatimukset
- Talotekniikka ja arkkitehtimalli
- Tilojen tarkastus
- Edistynyt tilojen tarkastus
Updates to Finnish Classifications According Talo 2000 Standard
- Uloskäytäväovet
- Pystykulku
- Rakennusosat
- TIlojen käyttötarkoitus
- Kalustus
- Tilaryhmät
Rules API Improvements
- Provide access to Building containing a Component
- Provide access to Covering components
- Provide access to Beam components
- Provide access to System containing a Component (as FunctionalSystem)
- Provide access to SpaceBoundaryArea
- Provide access to Component's Material
- Expose whether a Component is on the building envelope
- Remove [default] property set
- Remove unused DistanceService
- API version number now matches Solibri Desktop.
Bug Fixes
- Fix import of IfcTessellatedFaceSet and IfcIndexedPolygonalFace for SurfaceOrSolidModel representations
- Fix import of IfcNonNegativeLengthMeasure, e.g. Window and Door lining properties uses this
- Fix bug in BCF Connector regarding multiple responsibilities in an issue
- Fix issues not always downloaded when creating a new presentation from BCF server
- Fix model not marked modified after synchronizing with a BCF server
- Fix BCF REST API paging support with Bimsync
- Fix pivot point setting is not used with the coordinate stamp