Solibri 9.13.3 Release Notes
In this release, we are introducing some improvements to key product features, such as Checking results view, Info view, and 3D model view. We have also included some bug fixes, as well as other general functionality improvements.
Custom hierarchy of checking results
This feature adds a new view option to your checking results called “Custom Hierarchy.” This view allows you to set up your own hierarchy for displaying the results by defining the property for each hierarchy level. For example, you could structure the results by floor or component type. The customized hierarchy can be saved as a file so that it can be used again. You can also add multiple hierarchy views. Click here to learn more.
Advanced info view
This feature introduces a new design for the Info view. With this new view, we restructured the information so that it will be more logical and reduce complexity. The advanced info view can be toggled off via the general settings. Learn more.

Classifications & ITOs duplication
This functionality adds a simple way to duplicate classifications and ITOs. This helps to reduce time spent when creating multiple classifications & ITOs. Simply click to duplicate icon or use the right-click menu to create a duplicate of the selected item.

BIM 360/ACC integration improvements
- You can now open DWG files from the server.
- When opening files via the integration, Solibri will display a file counter at the bottom of the file chooser window.

Show/Hide openings
A new option in the 3D model viewer that allows to show or hide openings in the model. Click here to learn more.

Tooltips for checking results
Upon hovering over the checking results icons, Solibri will display a tooltip to help explain the result.

Gatekeeper disappearance - UPDATE
In the previous release (9.13.2), we have included a functionality that prevents gatekeeper rules from disappearing after checking. This functionality seemed to have caused some confusion, and therefore in this release we have included a setting option that will allow you to control this functionality. To simplify - if you don’t want gatekeeper rules to disappear after checking, you need to uncheck the box below. Learn more.

Other improvements
- Added support for IfcSimpleValue (IfcDate, IfcDateTime, etc)
- Added classification reference name to the classification view
- Anti-Alias will now be set by default to 8 samples (to improve 3D visualization)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Rule 231 did not work with custom properties
- Fixed an issue where users couldn’t connect to Dalux due to BLC Filtering not using URL encoding
- Fixed an issue where Solibri failed to show IFC2x3 model components
- Fixed an issue where importing classification failed when the classification referred to IfcClassificationReference
- Fixed an issue where the model timestamp information was showing 01/01/1970 (when updating models)
- Fixed an issue where the category name in custom rules did not update when rechecking (API)
- Fixed an issue where a user-defined predefined type was not imported properly
- Fixed an issue where the geometry of Bolt Assemblies (IfcMechanicalFastener) was not displayed correctly
- Fixed an issue where updating the IFC model prompted Reading of IFC model failed’ error
- Fixed an issue where ITO with Javascript was not working when the preference file could not be created/saved
- Fixed an issue where ITO did not populate values for certain relations
- Fixed an issue where Calculate function failed to generate data calculated from Java-scripted fields
- Fixed an issue where Solibri would fail to render sections that were filled with a component’s color