This is a maintenance release of Solibri Model Checker v9.
Release date: 2013-12-17
Build number:
Improved the messages that come, if registration fails due to firewall or no internet connection
Improved the behavior when the internet connection is broken while SMC is running and SMC warns about exiting
Added first version of routing licensing and SSC communication through proxy
Information, such as, property sets and material that are associated with type in IFC are shown with the type in SMC
Zone could not be chosen as related type in ITO column
Made the presentation settings dialog more compact
IFC files that had something extra after the IFC content ended could not be imported
Rule 23: Enabled checking of space groups. Note that if you have customized Rulesets using this rule, check the parameters so that the rule does not check space groups, unless you want to.
Implemented reading of IFC descriptions
IFC classifications were not read for floors, zones, or systems
Bug fixes:
Fixed a problem where user has been registered to SSC with using smaller and upper case letters, and registration failed when trying to register with all smaller case letters
Relative hyperlinks didn't always work
Pinning states of files were reset when the file was opened
Sometimes the tasks of hidden rulesets were shown in To-Do list
Rule 232 created only one issue even though it should have created several according to the parameters
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