Solibri Model Checker v9.6.19 Release Notes
- Rule#231: It is now possible to check properties of wall with the "Same Wall" operator
- Rule#226: Depth limit L was possible to set to other components than doors and windows
- Rule#176: Issue was not created of doors in same wall, but in different levels
- Checking sometimes stopped on some MacBook computers
- Classification referring to another classification didn't always work properly
- Classification rules referring to values in other classifications could not be imported from Excel
- Dates didn't work properly in classification rules
- Fixed a problem with models IFCSURFACESTYLE in IFC4
- Fixed a problem with IFCBOXALIGNMENT in IFC2x3
- Added color support for multi body geometries
- Added new proxy servers that work better with deep inspecting firewalls
- Improved message that is given when user does not have the right to write tho the home directory or it is unavailable
- Improved message given when certificate is not valid
- Shading in MacBook Pro computers with Intel and AMD graphics cards didn't work properly
- Optimized rendering of large models with footprints turned on
- Role selection was not prompted automatically in Finnish language
- Small improvements in nearest spaces algorithm
- Presentation creation from ITO didn't work when the ITO has more than 1000 rows, but they are relation rows from which issues are not typically created
- Some German language improvements
- Extensions became sometimes unavailable on Mac when changing from one network to another
- Default saving state of resources, such as, Rulesets is false when closing model