Solibri 9.12.4 Release Highlights: Enhanced ITO features
Some requests related to Solibri’s Information Takeoff feature have been among the most voted ones in our user community.
Firstly, the ITO names are now sorted alphabetically in the ITO drop down list, making it easier to find the needed information especially when there is a long list of ITOs to choose from.
It is now possible to report all ITOs as separate sheets in a single Excel file. In case you have multiple reports, you no longer need to export them one by one, but you can get them into a single Excel worksheet with reports separated to different sheets. The same functionality is also available for Excel template reports as well.
In some cases, previously the ITO report exported some values (such as GUIDs) in the format of "A, B and 5 others". Now, ITO report exports the entire list of values, making it possible to fully utilize also the values that have a lot of characters.
Other improvements
The search functionality in Solibri has been improved. We have amended the usage of wildcard characters (* and ?) functionality to also support the use of backslash (\* and \?). When using the backslash, users can search for values that include * or ? character, instead of them being recognized as wildcards.
To help users to more easily understand what software and license versions they have, license type information is now available in Application information under the Help section. In addition, users can now edit the selection for how often Solibri checks for updates under general settings.
We have also fixed some minor bugs.
You can find more detailed information on all the release contents from the Release Notes.
Contact your Solibri Admin to get the new version. Please note that in order to get this new version, in addition to comprehensive customer support and all the future software releases, you need to have a valid Support & Service Agreement or Subscription.