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Solibri 9.12.3 Release Highlights: BCF Live Refreshed.

Solibri version 9.12.3 brings several improvements to the BCF Live Connector, based on upon valuable user feedback. We also included many other usability improvements, please update to this new version to benefit from them!

Our latest release comes with a freshly updated UI to improve the usability of BCF Live Connector. To name but a few of the improvements seen in the Live Issue Details view, we are now showing the most important information first, as viewpoints are now located at the top together with the title and description. Other information – coordination values, comments, and components – are shown in their own tabs.

To manage the information more easily, the viewpoints can be zoomed, resized, and scrolled. In the situation when you have a lot of values in the Coordination tab or Filter, a scroll bar and search bar will appear. See how these work in the video below.

The improvements for BCF Live Connector don’t end there! There are more opportunities for sorting the columns, and the information in many areas is sorted alphabetically by default. To reduce the amount of unnecessary Conflict Resolution Dialogs, Solibri no longer opens these dialogs in the case of offline changes to local issues. These changes are simply pushed to the server as updates. If changes have happened both on the server, and in Solibri, the Conflict Resolution Dialogue still opens to resolve possible conflicts. We have also improved the performance with large SMC projects.

Further improvements in Solibri and API’s

Besides the above-mentioned improvements with BCF Live Connector, we have also added some functionality changes. There is now more information shown in the Location Info. You can work with Global Z coordinates in both Filters and Information Takeoffs. In addition to these, the categorized classifications are sorted before uncategorized classifications.

We have something for the developers too – Solibri API’s support for getting component information - which allows custom views and custom rules to easily use custom information.

To top things off, we have fixed several bugs – for example, fully transparent components are not opaque, but they are visually see-through.

You can find more detailed information on all the release contents from the Release Notes.

Contact your Solibri Admin to get this latest version. You will need to have a valid Support & Service Agreement or Subscription to get this version, in addition to our comprehensive customer support and all the future software releases.

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